Sunday, August 16, 2009

You Need Strength As You Grow Older

A common misconception is that as we get older it is normal to 'slow down' reduce physical activity and to 'take it easy'. But this has now been proven to be the absolute worst thing we can do. If you want to remain physically and mentally strong for however long your life is you have to 'work' at it. It is not something that just happens on its own.

After our mid 20's unless we keep our muscles strong with strength training exercise we lose muscle tissue at the rate of one half pound per year until age 50, then this rate doubles. As the muscles weaken the bones they are attached to weaken as well. Movement becomes more difficult so people don't, hastening the downward spiral and accelerating the decline of overall health.

Many people have lost as much as half of the muscle tissue that they had at age 30 by the time they are 70 years old. This loss of muscle tissue is so critical to daily living it can mean a person becomes more and more disabled until they eventually cannot manage the tasks of daily living. No wonder they cannot even get up from a chair unassisted.

The loss of muscle tissue leads to a drop in metabolism (the body's engine) which can mean an increase in body fat as calories previously necessary to perform the activities of daily living now end up as stored fat. This explain the so called 'middle aged spread' and the reason why people often become heavier and larger as they get older.

The average person over 30 years adds about 10 -15 pounds of weight in fat each decade. Combined with the loss of muscle tissue people enter their senior year with too little muscle and too much body fat. The 'composition' of their body has changed to unfavorable proportions which leads to an increased disease risk along with even less desire and ability to remain physically active.

Most adults are aware of the body fat gain but unaware of the muscle tissue loss. They then 'diet' to lose weight which further reduces their muscle tissue because at least 30 percent of the weight lost through dieting is muscle tissue. Losing further muscle tissue leads to an even lower metabolic rate (the rate the body burns fuel) so even more excess calories are stored as fat which further accelerates this negative cycle.

Rather than trying to 'diet' off this body fat consider the opposite - burn it off with proper exercise. This also has the benefits of making you stronger so you can better perform everyday tasks and activities. By starting a strength training program you will rebuild lost muscle and boost your body's engine so you can get a whole lot more out of life and living.

Do not be misled into believing that any old type of activity will give you these benefits. Low intensity activities like walking or gardening are great as part of an active lifestyle but can never ever replace a proper exercise program if your goal is a strong, lean, healthy body.

If you get a fitness professional to help you get started you will receive the benefits of your exercise program quickly and in just a few short months you will see how your life can be transformed. You will not be afraid of growing older as you know your strength and fitness will make this process much more enjoyable.

Do you want to discover the secret to rejuvenating your body, regaining lost vitality and improving the quality of your life? Download my free ebook "I've Found the Fountain of Youth - Let Me Show You Too!" Fountain of Youth

If you are looking to lose weight permanently go to Fitness Weight Loss for the solution and a free ebook.

Carolyn Hansen is a certified fitness expert and fitness center owner who coaches clients to look and feel younger. In her nearly 30 years of fitness and bodybuilding competition experience she has helped thousands of people start their journey towards being strong, fit and youthful at any age.

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